2025 Board Applicants

Kevin Le Clair



Phone Number


Are you a current MCHC member


Do you have children in MCHC


If yes, What age groups 

Learn to skate/Learn to Play


How many years have you been involved with MCHC


Short Bio 

I am originally from Arizona. I joined the Navy in 2008 and later met my wife Emilee while we were both enlisted. We have 2 boys that now play Oilers hockey and love it. There are SO many sticks and mini sticks in our house! In 2021 we decided to move back to Emilee's home town where she played hockey from Squirt to Jr. Gold/19U. We have made Watford City our home because of the opportunities here and strong sense of community that it offers, as well as having family and friends close by. We have been involved in the MCHC since 2021, the first year with no children playing because Emilee was asked to coach the 10U team. So, we committed to the club and have never looked back. My day job is working as a safety professional focused on training and operational procedures in the Bakken.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Directors 

After realizing that hockey chose me to be a part of it, I have jumped in with both feet. I am currently sharpening skates, driving the Zamboni, being our team's locker room dad, and also helping anywhere I can be of assistance while in the building. I would like to help mold the club as it grows, to assist in bringing unity to all levels from LTS to Jr. Gold/19U, and to continue with the standardization of the club's procedures that have already been started by the current board and committee members (for example; pre-season club schedule).

I am running because I believe I can bring my professional skills into the club and assist in making it run more smoothly and uniformly. I didn't choose hockey as a kid, but hockey chose me as an adult and I've fallen in love with it, so, I would like to help all of the kids in the club fall in love with it too.

What other boards or committee are you on  

BASA (Bakken Area Safety Association)

Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

Training for parents, volunteers, and players so they understand what is expected of them from the start.




Phone Number


Are you a current MCHC member?


Do you have children in MCHC?


If yes, What age groups 

10u Girls

How many years have you been involved with MCHC


Short Bio 

Moved to Watford City in 2016 to pursue new career in the Bakken, my family followed the following July. After several years on the construction side of oil and gas I transitioned to drilling and completions. Before coming to North Dakota my family and I called Kansas City Missouri home where I was involved in youth sports including Baseball, Softball, Football, and Wrestling. I assisted with all aspects of sports from field work to Coaching. During my time in KC I was blessed with the opportunity to own and operate an Indoor baseball/softball training facility that eventually became a club style academy with teams ranging in age from 10u USSSA all the up to College Prep Showcase. That experience solidified my passion for youth sports and the development of youth athletes.

My short time in WC has been filled with many amazing experiences including the new found passion for this sport that my daughter has grown to love, I have also had the opportunity to be involved with legion baseball for 4 years and Highschool baseball for 2 years.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Director

My motivation to run for a MCHC board position is to enhance the overall experience for the players, the parents, and anyone who participates in club events. Being involved in the decision making process and voting is the most effective way to do that. My background in youth sports and in my career have also provided me with knowledge and skills that i feel would be beneficial to the organization and efficiency of the club and its teams and programs.

What other boards or committee are you on?  

Safety Committee Director (Employer)


LYSA (Lawson Youth Sports Association) Board member

LBA (Legacy Baseball Academy) Vice President Board of Directors

LBA Tournament Committee

Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

Growing the Girls divisions, continuing to develop the younger player programs to prepare kids for the transition to more competitive ages.




Phone Number


Are you a current MCHC member?


Do you have children in MCHC?


If yes, What age groups 




Now an old timer!

How many years have you been involved with MCHC?

Since 2003 minus a couple of years.

Short Bio 

I am born and raised right here in Watford City. I played for the Oilers what feels a long time ago (only 19 years ago). I graduated in 2006 from Watford City High School. I have 3 kids that have and currently play Addison 19, Rhyleigh 15, and Easton 12.

My husband Jacob, has coached our oldest while he was playing for the club. We coached together for our AAA team. And plans on continuing next year for the club.

I currently work for the Farm Service Agency during the day and at night I am running my kids to and from there sports or activities. I sometimes said that I needed to move a cot downstairs as I was there every day just watching my kids practice or play their games.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Directors 

It would be an honor and privilege for me to serve as a member for Mckenzie County Hockey Club. I would like to get involved, help further the development of the program. My goal as a board member is to create a fun environment with a positive outlook and help shape the future of our oilers as an athlete and as a human being. I have the time, commitment and professionalism.

I will put my loyalty and hard work into the best interest of the Mckenzie County Hockey Club. I will do my best to continue give my experience and dedication back to the community. I will always advocate for every youth hockey player and will always do what is best in the player's interest to be successful.

What other boards or committee are you on?  

None at the moment. I will have plenty of time to focus my time for the Club.

Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

There is always room to strengthen every topic. But one thing that I would like to see to move in a positive direction is the negativity in every team. In hopes that every team can be positive on and off the ice. To work together and not against each other. I would like the club to be a solid unit.




Phone Number

(912) 660-5649

Are you a current MCHC member?


Do you have children in MCHC


If yes, What age groups 


How many years have you been involved with MCHC


Short Bio 

Being an Air Force brat, I was born overseas in Japan then moved to Virginia where I spent most of my childhood. We moved to Georgia when I was a teenager and that's were we settled down until I graduated high school. After high school I joined the Georgia Guard as a Field Artillery Specialist. I have deployed two times with the guard, once to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. After my second deployment in 2010 I started college where I met my wife, Kayla. In June of 2019 we moved up to Watford City and haven't looked back. We have 4 kids together Jordyn (13) tried hockey but never caught the bug, Peyton (11) is a goalie, Camryn (3) is looking forward to playing hockey once he is old enough, and Suttyn (2) is our little rink rat.

I have coached a variety of sports including football, softball, baseball, soccer, archery, and after the season we just finished, hockey. I have a strong passion for community outreach and developing our youth. I enjoy helping them better themselves which is why you will see me involved in or volunteering for most events in town whether it be with MCHC, my current job at Hess Corporation, or our local 4-H club where during fair week my oldest kids show their steer and pigs.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Directors 

During my time here in Watford City I have met some of the best people I could imagine. Most of them coming from our time in the club due to the club having such a large foot print within the community. I believe I could help make that foot print bigger by changing how people view the club.

Now that I have had the opportunity to coach this year I have noticed that there is a pretty massive disconnect between the board and teams and as a club we struggle with unity amongst teams from Jr Gold/19u all the way down to the younger kids in 8u/ LTS/ LTP. This year I was very happy to see the older kids choosing to be involved in the younger groups by helping coach, buddy nights, and even mentoring them off the ice. I feel like our club needs more of this as majority of kids learn and develop more consistently when they are able to work with someone they look up to.

What other boards or committee are you on  

None at this time.

Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

Community Outreach




Phone Number


Are you a current MCHC member?


Do you have children in MCHC


If yes, What age groups 




How many years have you been involved with MCHC


Short Bio 

Originally being from Minnesota, I decided to move here in 2014 for better work opportunities. My wife Candice and two kids at the time, Ashlyn and Jaxon, then followed in 2015 after we decided this was the place we wanted to be. We then had our youngest, Easton, here in 2016. Our family has been apart of the community and MCHC since 2015 where all three of our kids play hockey, my wife has been a team mom and consistent volunteer, I have coached teams over the past 6 years and am a current board member and Tournament Director.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Directors 

I am re-running for the board for a few reasons:

- Helping our new Director, that I was apart of hiring, ease into his role with consistency and support

- To be able to continue ongoing negotiations with the pending RRC User Agreement that I have been apart of since they started

- To be able to continue ongoing negotiations with the High School regarding moving Hockey to a high school sport

- Helping the Board continue to focus on making our club better by updating our bylaws and policies as well as help with our continued financial growth/success

What other boards or committee are you on  

MCHC Tournament Committee

Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

RRC User Agreement




Phone Number


Are you a current MCHC member?


Do you have children in MCHC?


If yes, What age groups 


10u Girls

How many years have you been involved with MCHC?


Short Bio 

I was born and raised in WC, and I started playing hockey at an early age up until i graduated High School, which I got to see the transition from the ODR to what was the "New" indoor rink at the fairgrounds. In college I stayed connected with hockey by working at the VFW in Bismarck. There I was a part of Bobcat games and all ages of Bismarck hockey. Since that time, I have spent 21 years in gas processing operations. I have currently been with ONEOK for 15 years, which include 10 years of manager of a gas processing facility. I am very involved with Leadership training and growth of multidisciplinary Teams in my position.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Directors 

I would like to be a part of setting a vision for the long-term success of the club. First off, we need clear "RRE's" Roles Responsibilities and Expectations. This will help align everyone and assist in developing a strong running program. 2nd, we need a board that is listening to all ideas and able to hold off any bias to help make improvements. 3rd, we need to help support the Hockey Director in any special initiatives and provide him with the tools he needs to help build successful teams. One area I feel we lack in is not allowing opportunities to develop all players in the club and only select people. We need to put forth off season programs for anyone wanting to take that next step. Last, we need to be working on planning for the following year well in advance and not wait until a fall to begin. If selected I would encourage ideas, and everyone have a voice so we can come up with the best plan forward. I would love the opportunity to help the club be successful for not just the short term, but the long term and future generations of kids.

What other boards or committee are you on  


Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

Player Development Opportunities




Phone Number


Are you a current MCHC member?


Do you have children in MCHC


If yes, What age groups 



How many years have you been involved with MCHC

5 years

Short Bio 

I’m Collin Bell I was born in Fargo, ND and moved to Palmer, AK when I was 9 years old. I grew up and lived in Palmer, AK and that’s where I met my wife. I married my wife in 2010 and we started our family. We have three boys Jameson Jaxson and Jace. In 2018 we moved to Watford City, ND and developed our passion for hockey through this club.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Directors 

“Lets make hockey great again!”

I want to be apart of the MCHC board of directors to help shape our program into what it needs to be for our kids. I want to be a voice of the people for the people. I want to be able to help everyone succeed in the club and develop the skills they need to succeed.

What other boards or committee are you on  

Hockey committee for Watford City Oilers

Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

One specific thing I want to make better in this club is off season training on ice or off ice. Bring in a classroom base skills to help with sportsmanship, positioning, and team building. I want to help give our kids a foundation to build on once season starts.

Spencer Syvertson



Phone Number


Are you a current MCHC member?


Do you have children in MCHC?


If yes, What age groups 



How many years have you been involved with MCHC


Short Bio 

My name is Spencer Syvertson, I grew up in Alaska before bouncing around the lower 48 pursuing college hockey and furthering my education. I began working in Watford City in 2014 and moved here full time in 2019. I was lucky enough to convince my girlfriend to move here in 2021. We enjoy the strong sense of community Watford offers, as well as it's outdoor activities; hunting, hiking, walking our two dogs just to name a few.

In 2018, I had my first chance to help the MCHC by serving as a neutral assessor for a peewee tryout. It was then that I became aware of the potential and talent this organization possess. Over the last several years, I have had the opportunity to assist with the Jr gold teams. It has taught me a lot about myself and I've come to believe that I have more to offer than just coaching.

Why are you running for MCHC Board of Directors 

I would like to pass along the knowledge that my hockey experience has given me. Playing high school, Jrs, NCAA III enables me to contribute valuable insight to the fundamentals of hockey and how to implement strategies that will lead to fun and successful seasons. I am confident that by collaborating with the other board members, I can contribute to the creation and execution of a cohesive strategy that benefits all teams.

What other boards or committee are you on  


Please highlight one specific topic related to he MCHC program that you are passionate about strengthening or making better 

Strategically fostering consistency in player development across all age groups while taking into consideration skill level.

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