Players Code of Conduct

A. Realizing that I am a representative of the Watford City Oilers and the McKenzie County Hockey Club (MCHC), I agree to: 

 Follow NDAHA and USA Hockey rules, SafeSport, and the McKenzie County Hockey rules and regulations. 

 Learn the rules, regulations, and the necessary skills of the game. 

 Always conduct myself in a positive manner by respecting other players, coaches, and officials.

  If I am verbally or physically abusive to a coach, official, or player, I may be suspended from the program or other disciplinary action may be taken. The Disciplinary committee will make this decision after reviewing the situation. A report will be made to the MCHC Board of Directors. 

 I will recognize the value, authority, and importance of our coaches and team. 

 Understand the importance of team work and team concept.

  Recognize that the coaches, not parents, are the primary source of instruction and authority. 

 Be prompt for all practices and games. Unexcused absences from team functions will result in player missing game time. If circumstances arise that make attendance impossible, notify the coach beforehand. There are legitimate reasons for missing a practice, or even a game. Injury, illness, and religion are a few examples that may be excused. If three consecutive practices are missed due to an injury or illness, a doctor’s note will be required upon return. Discipline depends on coaching staff. 

B. The MCHC believes that the growth and development of players can best take place in an environment which promotes safety, fairness, courtesy, and respect for one another. Therefore, the following actions will not be tolerated: 

 Hazing: Committing an act against a player or coercing a player into committing an act that creates a substantial risk of harm to a person or destruction of property in order for the player to be initiated into or affiliated with MCHC. 

 Disorderly Conduct: Engaging in offensive, obscene, or abusive language or in boisterous and noisy conduct tending to arouse, alarm, anger, or bring resentment in others. 

 Harassment: Participating in or conspiring with others to engage in harassing acts that injure, degrade, or disgrace other individuals. Harassment, whether willful or otherwise, includes disability, race, sexual orientation, and/or age. Reporting: Any concern regarding the conduct of a player must be reported directly to the coach by the player or player’s parents who the behavior is impacting. Response: If any of these incidents occur, I realize that I may be suspended from the program or other disciplinary action may be taken. The Disciplinary Committee will make this decision after reviewing the situation.

 A report will be made to the MCHC Board of Directors regarding the outcome.   

C. Playing or practicing without required equipment will result in not playing that game or practice. The following is a chart that shows the equipment that is required for each level of play. 


D. Any player removed from a game or practice for fighting or intentionally injurious conduct will be suspended for the next game and/or practice, whichever is a greater amount of time, until reviewed with the Hockey Development Subcommittee and a correction plan is made. A Coach may suspend a player for fighting during games, travel, or practice.   

E. Chronic discipline problems will be brought by the Coach or Hockey Development Subcommittee to the MCHC Board of Directors for consideration of suspension for the remainder of the season. 

 F. Players who are suspended or expelled from school are prohibited from participation in the McKenzie County Hockey Club’s program during the length of suspension. It is the responsibility of the player/parent to notify their team coordinator/coach about suspension. For example: a player will not be able to participate in their next hockey practice or game (whichever comes first) if suspended for a day of school. 

G. In the event questions or concerns arise, the procedure to follow is: a. Take the concern directly to the party - coach, parent, player, official, etc. b. c. Take the concern to the Disciplinary Committee. Take the concern to the MCHC Board of Directors.

 Prohibited Activities 

 To possess a tobacco product. “Tobacco product” means any product that is made from of derived from tobacco or contains nicotine or a similar substance, and is intended for human consumption or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to, a cigarette, a cigar, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, snus, or an e-cigarette. “Tobacco product” does not include any product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product and is being marketed and sold solely for the approved purpose. 

 To sell, deliver, or give, or attempt to sell, deliver, or give to any person any of the substances listed in this policy or what the player represents or believes to be any of the substances listed in this policy. 

 To possess, procure, purchase, or receive, or to attempt to possess, procure, purchase or receive, the substances listed in this policy or what is represented by or to the player to be any of the substances listed in this policy or what the player believes is any of the substances in this policy. A player will be determined to be "in possession" when the substance is on the player's person or in the player's locker, car or handbag, or when he/she owns it completely or partially. 

 To be under the influence of (legal intoxication not required), or to use or consume or attempt to use or consume, the substances listed in this policy or what is represented by or to the player to be any of the substances listed in this policy or what the player believes is any of the substances in this policy. In all instances if a player is found with illegal possession of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs the police will be notified. Prohibited Substances 

 Alcohol or any alcoholic beverage; 

 Any controlled substance or dangerous drug as defined by NDCC Sections 19-03.105 through 19-03.1-13 and 19-03.1-26 (paraphernalia) or as define by Section 812, Schedules I-V, of Title 21, United States Code, Section 801, et seq., including but not limited to marijuana, and narcotic drug, any hallucinogen, any stimulant, or any depressant, any form of tobacco, and all other illicit drugs; 

 Any abusable glue or aerosol paint or any other chemical substance, for inhalation, including but not limited to, lighter fluid, white out, and reproduction fluid; Authorized Use Any player whose parent or guardian requests that he or she be given any prescription or nonprescription medicine, drug, or vitamin shall provide the medicine, drug, or vitamin. Violation Disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on any player violating this policy. These sanctions may include suspension and notification of proper authorities for prosecution. Prohibited substances will be confiscated and illegal substances will be turned over to law enforcement authorities. Players violating this policy will be suspended from representing the MCHC in any activities for 6 weeks for the first offense and an 18 weeks suspension for any subsequent offense. The period of suspension shall begin from the date and time the coach or MCHC Board of Directors gives notification to the player.  Violations resulting in academic and/or athletic suspension, prior to the MCHC season, shall carry over into the MCHC season for the full length of the original suspension. To be clear, any player serving a suspension under North Dakota High School Activities Association rules or the rules of the McKenzie County School District at the beginning of the MCHC season (October 1) shall continue to serve said suspension until the original timeframe and the accompanying restrictions are satisfied.  The player may still practice, but cannot represent the club at functions. Continued offenses will result in recommended expulsion from the club. The player's parents and the police will be notified if any player is observed to be under the influence of a prohibited substance. If there appears to be imminent danger to other players, personnel and/or the player involved, the player may be removed from the property.  

A new Player’s Code of Conduct must be signed prior to each and every season. Offenses will be reset upon the signing of the new agreement as it relates to the suspension timeframe of subsequent offenses.  

 Crimes against persons and/or property will result in an immediate suspension of the player/players involved. Suspensions will be at the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee and McKenzie County Hockey Board.

 Actions not specifically covered, but clearly contrary to expected conduct are subject to review and possible action by the Disciplinary Committee and the McKenzie County Hockey Board or their designees. Any conduct that results in significant loss of playing time will require notification of a parent or legal guardian by a McKenzie County Hockey Board member. I have read the above stated agreement and by my electronic signature I agree to abide by the McKenzie County Hockey Club Player Code of Conduct. Further, I understand that my failure to comply with the above code will result in the above outlined disciplinary action. 

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