
Required Safesport Training

Please complete any in-progress courses by Tuesday, October 24 to avoid a reset; as you will need to start over if not completed prior to October 25. The Center for SafeSport is updating SafeSport® Trained Core and Refreshers 1, 2 and 3 on Wednesday, October 25 and those courses will not be available on that date.

If you are a 2006 birth year or earlier, you will be required to take the SafeSport Core Training or Refresher Course prior to participation for the 2023-24 season. 

The Safe Sport Training and Refresher Training are each valid for twelve (12) months beginning on 4/1/22.

As of January 1, 2018, all relevant individuals who need to be SafeSport trained or are seeking retraining will need to complete the new SafeSport training, which features updated content. 

Once you have completed the Core SafeSport Course, there will be a Refresher Course available for individuals who have previously completed the core Safe Sport course and need to retrain. Users completing the SafeSport refresher course will be trained for an additional season. After completing Refresher 3, you will take the Core Training for the next season.

PLEASE NOTE that you will need your own USA Hockey Confirmation Number or Referee Number and your own email address to access the training. You can locate your number OR obtain a number here If you will not be participating as a player, coach or referee, you can register at no cost under the ice manager/volunteer category to obtain your USA Hockey Confirmation Number.

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